In the face of a global pandemic, with real problems swirling all around us, you might assume people would stop getting worked up over semantics. People should have better more pressing things to worry about right now, than political correctness.
However, old habits tend to die hard. And many liberals are getting ready to die on politically correct hills, defending their ideals of non-judgment and equality of outcome.
As Bill Maher says in one of his recent “New Rules” segments, though, now is not the time for that nonsense. Now is the time to call shit out for what it is, to quit dancing around topics, words, and phrases like a bunch of ninnies, and to hold people and governments accountable.
Namely the people and government of China. Because, as much as people want to avoid conflict right now, this is no time to be squishy about real issues. China should be blamed and held accountable for COVID, no questions asked. Their “wet markets” should not be protected by the “cultural relativism” defense — they are breeding grounds for deadly diseases that could cripple global civilization and take thousands, even millions of lives. They should be shut down, full stop.
And yet, only four months after this outbreak, those markets, where live animals are stored, sold and butchered are already opening back up. Why not? They're part of Chinese culture, after all, right? Even if they birth diseases like COVID.
China doesn’t deserve a pass this time. People don't want to point the finger of blame, but, holding China accountable is really the only way we're going to get them to stop the cultural practices that seeded this pandemic and put everyone on the planet at risk…
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