Remember going places? Doing things? Wasn’t that fun?
Hanging out on bar patios enjoying the spring sunshine, going to concerts, or hiking through the woods with friends, camping with groups of people under the stars, without the fear of breaking some rule, or spreading COVID to someone … Those were the days.
Someday we’ll return to that lifestyle. Someday, I keep telling myself.
But until then, all we can do is plan and dream for the adventures ahead of us. Adventures like thru hiking the renowned Pacific Crest Trail. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a trek for the books — it follows the Cascade and Sierra mountain ranges for 2,563 miles, along the US western coastline, traversing some of the most beautiful mountain scenery in the nation. If you're looking for a life-changing adventure to embark on, once this whole pandemic is over, this could be exactly what you're looking for.
It’s a rad hike, to summarize. Many people choose to do it in sections since it’s so long, but some, like the brave hikers in this video, do it all in one go: what’s known as a “Thru Hike” — an experience you can sort of (kind of) have with this video.
So, here it is, for your enjoyment: three seconds of every day along the trail, all 2,653 miles, compiled and compressed into a consumable three-minute short (since you’re stuck inside and can’t go do anything for yourself).
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