Some people still consider online dating a desperate attempt at finding a potential partner, while others continue meeting their matches in cyberspace and starting families with them. I don’t think that joining some dating site is the only way to find love in the modern world, but for some groups of people, it works really great. And introverted guys are among them.

If you are an introvert, like me, you probably not excited about spending evenings at noisy places, visiting parties and making small talks with new people. So, you should admit that you have lower chances to find a romantic partner in your environment than an extroverted guy who adds 10-20 new people to his Facebook friends list each week. 

Admitting it two years ago, I bet on online dating and it paid off. Now I’m married to an amazing woman and about to become a daddy. So, if you are not a very social guy, read these online dating tips for introverts that might help you finally meet your one and only. 


Choose the right dating site

Is online dating good for introverts? Of course, it is. At least because you can do it, sitting alone in your cozy apartment. And you don’t even need to dress up.

It’s always easier to start a conversation with a woman when the pressure’s off. And if you are tired of chatting, you can end the conversation at any moment by closing your browser.  

But some people might become disappointed in meeting people in cyberspace after spending some days on the dating sites which doesn’t quite right for them. That’s why I recommend you to spend at least an evening researching and reading the reviews, like this VictoriaHearts review, written by a guy who has met his love there. Doing it, you're saving your time and nerves.

How you do you know when you’ve found the right site? You’ll feel comfortable there. 

The best dating sites for introverts are those focused on a meaningful relationship. You know, where people are asked to share some information about themselves by filling in a welcome questionnaire. If you want to learn more about such sites, read this article – Finding style on in 2018.


Be honest when creating your profile


“Always tell the truth” – it’s the most important rules of the online dating. If you are an introverted guy, don’t pretend to be social and outgoing. Remember, that you can use dating sites to meet other introverts. I think that it’s great to be in a relationship with a like-minded person. If you both share the same values and enjoy the same leisure activities, you have every reason to be happy together.

The best introvert dating profile examples I’ve seen on different sites honestly described the introverted side of their owners.

And it’s impressive. People who accept what they are, have a greater chance of success on a dating site.

So, don’t try to pretend someone else. Be yourself. Yes, maybe you never get hundreds of messages a day, but you’ll definitely feel comfortable on a first date if it would be with someone who accepts your introverted side.

Figure out what kind of woman you are looking for

Some women are wondering how to meet introverted guys, as they know what they want from love and relationship. And what about you?

According to research, men who know what kind of woman they are looking for are more likely find a marriage partner on a dating site. So, you should decide who you want to date. Should she be an introvert or an extrovert, a divorced or a never-been-married, a blond or a brunette? Who is your dream woman?

Getting answers to this question is extremely important if you are trying to find love on compatibility-based dating sites. There the system offers you matching partners, according to your dating preferences. I recommend you to read this RomanceTale review to learn more about them. 

One of the most important online dating tips for introverts: make the first step  

Bad news: if you truly want to find your love, you will have to step out of your comfort zone.

Good news: it’s easier to do it online than offline.

Online dating, like any dating, is about being proactive. And you should be ready to make the first step if you want to succeed.  So, after you’ve found a woman you want to chat with, send her the first message. Note, that you can read her profile before doing it. She probably has shared there some information about her hobbies, favorite things and lifestyle, so you can easily create a conversation starter.

Don’t get upset if some woman doesn’t answer to you. It’s ok on dating sites.

But if it’s really difficult for you to start a conversation online, you can join the site where female members don’t hesitate to make the first step. Follow the link to read about one of them –

Take her out on a date

Where do introverts find partners? Anywhere if they are ready to go on dates.

If you don’t take different women out, you’ll never get a girlfriend both online and offline. So, accept the fact that one day you’ll have to meet in person with your virtual girlfriend. Spend a little time to learn more about this lady, but don’t chat too long, as only on a real date you the chemistry between you and her can appear.

These are online dating for introverts that, I hope, will help you to find your love on the Internet. Be honest, open and patient. Don’t give up after the first rejection. The searching for your dream woman might take a while, but you will be the happiest man on Earth when you find her.