Jan. 21-Feb. 19
You look stunning this month and you’ll want to flaunt it here, there and everywhere. Don’t be too
cocky, though, because a little vulnerability works better than a lot of bravado. Be your usual sensual self and let
your body do the talking. Make sure you’re getting what you want out of the relationship.
Feb. 20-Mar. 20
Be extra cautious when it comes to your heart. Your focus may be all over the place and if you commit too
soon, you may regret it. Consider taking a break from things until the middle of the month, when your love life will
spark back to life.
MAR. 21-APR. 20
You want things to be like a movie: fast and furious. For you, though, this month is going to be more hurry
up and wait. You have a lot of sexual energy and few options to release it. It’s a good time to explore emotional
intimacy with yourself. By month’s end, you’re hitting the sweet spot!
APR. 21-MAY. 21
You may have been in a dry spell lately, but that’s about to come to a smashing end. The planets conspire
to get you laid — and often. You can’t sit back and wait for it to come to you. You’re required to put some of that
legendary Taurus work ethic to use.
May. 22-June. 21
You do know how to make an entrance and this month’s no different! Every eye is on you so be prepared
for social media likes, flirty and dirty texts and a thotty of hotties sliding into your DM. Have an adventure and let
a friend set you up on a date!
June. 22-July. 22
Now is not the time to play the “people pleaser” card. It has to be all about you. It’s okay to get yours
first. Explore fantasies with a willing partner. You have deeper connections to a love interest than you originally
thought. You’re feeling sexy and you show it.
July. 23-Aug. 21
Remember that awesome bod you worked so hard for this summer? You have plenty of opportunity to show
it off this month — despite the cold weather. Casual flirting will likely lead to something more serious. If you’re set on finding “the one,”
choose wisely.
Aug. 22-Sept. 23
You can be reserved when it comes to getting what you want. This month go for it. Have a secret crush?
Let them know! Fantasies come true outside your dreams, too. Focus on getting your needs met first and don’t
sacrifice your own pleasure for someone else’s.
Sept. 24-Oct. 23
You’re going to get a planetary boost of sexuality, so batten down the hatches and let ‘er rip! No sense in
being shy. You’re sexy and you know it. It’s the perfect time to woo a current lover or attract a new one. Partners
will confess their love to you now and you’re more than ready.
Oct. 24-Nov. 22
You may be feeling undecided about things now. Swipe left? Swipe right? Make a booty call? Stay home
and chill? Thankfully, this indecision won’t last long. You’ll be back on top of your game by mid-month. You’ll have
everyone eating out of your hand.
Nov. 23-Dec. 22
You’re feeling like day-long cuddles and heavy romance, different than your usual approach. You’d
rather whisper beautiful things into your partner’s ear than engage in sexual activity. Could this be the season, or you
could be saving your energy for what’s to come?
Dec. 23-Jan. 20
Potential partners are lining up at your door and you don’t want to make too hasty a decision. You
have the stamina and the mindset to really rock someone’s world. This is a time of passion and you’re looking to
make a lasting connection in your life.
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