
Hometown: Greeley, CO

Age: 30

Current job: Chef at the University of Greeley.

Zodiac sign: Cancer. I thought I was a Gemini up until last month, guess not.

Pets: No pets, but my favorite animal is a dog!

First concert: Hughie Lewis and the News

Most recent concert: Leftover Salmon on New years eve.

What’s your type: I don’t know what that means. I don’t have a type, I’m a social butterfly that likes to meet everyone.

Deal Breakers: None, I’m pretty easy going.

My friends would describe me as: A wandering traveler.

Guilty pleasure: I wanna be a mailman, I love short shorts… I think I pull em off. What can I say, I have long legs?

Celebrity crush: Natalie Portman.



Hometown: Cockeysville, MD

Age: 29

Current job: Office Manager.

Zodiac sign: Peisces

Pets: No, but my favorite animal is an alpaca!

First concert: Elton John, I was 6 and my mom and I both fell asleep. Woke up during Lion King song, it was great.

Most recent concert: Well I’m going to Sunsquabi on Saturday, we’re getting an Airbnb up in Cheyenne.

What’s your type: Uhh my type, definitely tall, career oriented, good smile, over 30 and have their shit together!

Deal breakers: Cigarette smokers or people with bad teeth.

My friends would describe me as: A ray of fucking sunshine, not for the faint of heart!

Guilty pleasure: McDonalds, and Chick-fil-A.

Celebrity crush: Channing Tatum.


Round 1

Winter is coming. And as the season of cuddles, hot cocoa and snowy adventures looms, lonely singles everywhere are wishing that COVID hadn’t made it so hard to meet people. That’s why Rooster is kindling the flames of love, pairing up total strangers in hopes they find their winter soulmate — even if it’s just for the night.

Describe your dating life in three words:

Jessi: Make it last.

Quinn: Dancing, fun, party.


Have you ever been on a blind date before?

Jessi: Yes in college, but because I wasn’t in the same state going to school, it didn’t work out.

Quinn: Nope, this is my first.


Where do you usually meet potential partners?

Jessi: Online dating, I’m pretty good at it. Hinge all day.

Quinn: Just life, like work, bars, wherever I am. It’s hard right now with 2020 being 2020, I don’t know where to go anymore. It’s a weird period of life.


What’s your pickup strategy?

Jessi: I got it in the bag. I have blonde hair, a fire personality, anything goes and I’m very open. Speaks for itself, sold!

Quinn: I definitely tell stupid dad jokes, it might not work but sometimes it does. I’m also a cop every year for halloween, that always works. Might not be as successful this year…


Are there any weird dating stories from the past that you’d like to share?

Jessi: I met this guy on ‘seeking arrangement’ in DC. He showed up extremely wasted in a trench coat. He was in his 50s and showed up 30 minutes late. Oh! And he was missing a front tooth. 

Quinn: So I once took home a stripper. After we got some smokes and drinks. When we got to my place she asked if she could tie me up. She stole it all and left me with one beer, one shot, and one cig. My roommate had to untie me because she tied really good knots. You should’ve seen these knots, I’m a fisherman but these would be hard for a Marine.


What were you thinking before your Rooster Blind Date?

Jessi: OMG lots of things, shit. I was trying to rush as fast as I could (didn’t happen) lost track of time, got a beer and decided, fuck it let’s do this.

Quinn: I needed a shot of whiskey and a beer and I was fucking nervous. I’ve been outta the whole bar dating scene since COVID hit.


Did your friends give you any advice before the date?

Jessi: Okay so I got fired and applied for a new job this week, I called a friend saying I have a blind date and she was excited for me but asked about the new job, no advice.

Quinn: Yes, comment on the clothes not the body. Focus on statements that are not about her physical appearance.


What are you looking for with a partner?

Jessi: Everyone says the same things, honesty, trust, communication, companionship, best friends. I’m looking for all those, of course, I’m also looking for the vibe and connection, something I can’t really put into words. I’ve been single for three years after a few codependent relationships.

Quinn: Just a white picket fence, kids in the end, and yeah. The end game.


What does a perfect day look like for you?

Jessi: So I’m a Pisces and a huge water creature so being on a beach or boat with a cocktail in hand and wind in my hair.

Quinn: April 20th.


How are the first impressions?

Jessi: They’re going good, he’s tall and we’re hitting it off, he’s got cool vibes. We know a lot of the same artists.

Quinn: Wonderful, but you can’t always base it off that. Gotta give them a chance. She is a Baltimore Ravens fan, though.


Are you attracted to your date?

Jessi: He’s cute, yeah.

Quinn: Absolutely.



Round 2

Is that more wildfire smoke I smell? Or the sparks of attraction flying?! Perhaps it’s too early to say, but things seem to be going well for our daters. As long as Quinn doesn’t end up bound in a rope dress on the floor of his apartment again, I’m counting this as a victory. (Depending on what Jessi’s into, though, that could be a victory either way.)

How’s it going overall?

Jessi: It’s going. Things are good. It was a shitty week and this has been an upswing.

Quinn: Wonderful, we seem to have a good connection and enjoy the same lifestyle.


What are you two talking about?

Jessi: Okay, he loves short shorts…is that strange? I love people who are passionate about something so I like it. Concerts, music, smoking weed.

Quinn: Music, jobs, and traveling.


What’s something interesting your date has shared with you?

Jessi: Oh, let me think, his dad is a brain or trauma surgeon… he’s the black sheep.

Quinn: That she’s a ‘festie’ and she likes EDM.


On a scale of 0-5 how is the chemistry?

Jessi: 4

Quinn: 5


Do you have any major similarities or differences?

Jessi: We both love watermelon gummies.

Quinn: Definitely a similar crowd of people we hang out with. Difference would be our height.


How was dinner?  What did you get?

Jessi: I got the chicken sandwich, didn’t eat all day so I ate everything and it was AMAZING.

Quinn: Dinner was wonderful. Had fried shrimp po’boy. It was on point, crispy with a great sauce. Everything about it was perfect. Her food looked dank as fuck too.


Is Outworld a good spot for a date?

Jessi: Yeah I love the pods we’re sitting in, he says they remind him of Star Wars but it reminds me of the Mandalorian.

Quinn: Absolutely, I remember when they first started putting this brewery together and I’m impressed with what it’s been transformed into. It’s the kind of brewery that feels like a home away from home, I love it.


Would you go on another date with each other?

Jessi: Probably. Yeah, I’m down.

Quinn: Absolutely.


Where do you want the rest of the night to go?

Jessi: I have a pre-roll so chill and smoke.

Quinn: Finish some beers and end it on a good note.

Round 3

With a mutual love for live music, watermelon gummies and smoking weed, these two seem like a match made in heaven. Could this really be it? Could Rooster finally have found a couple after so many dry months just finding “friends?” Only time will tell. We left our daters after the second round, to enjoy their meal, the craft beer and that pre-roll of Jessi’s without us.

What happened after Rooster left?

Jessi: We had a beer and smoked a joint. Before that, I went to get an edible from my car. He mentioned my license plate was crooked and fixed it while I ran back to use the bathroom!

Quinn: We just hung out a little bit, got to know each other, we went on a 2nd date since then.


Did Rooster find a match?

Jessi: Yeah! I was a bit unsure at first but he was really funny and had a good vibe. Someone bailed on Sunsquabi so we had an extra ticket and he ended up coming with! The next day we went 2 ½ hours up to Estes Park so he could show me this beautiful area. Dates 3, 4, & 5 are already planned, too. We’re going camping in Estes Park the following weekend. Him going to Sunsquabi gave us a chance to really know each other!

Quinn: Seems like it’s meant to be.


Was there a goodbye kiss?

Jessi: Yeah! On the curb

Quinn: I don’t know, I don’t kiss and tell haha.


Overall, how was it?

Jessi: It was good, a lot better than expected! I definitely would recommend it to a friend. Try it! With dating apps, you’re picking the person on the outside. When you really get to know someone and vibe with them that’s what matters and I think I might have found that finally

Quinn: It was wonderful. Food and date were amazing!


Do you have any advice for future Blind Daters?

Jessi: I mean, be genuine, be who you are, open mindset, overall you can make a new friend or have someone to date.

Quinn: Have an open mind and heart. Let things work out.


Do you have any regrets from last night?

Jessi: No regrets! Thursday I thought I wanted to go on another date but I wasn’t sure. On Friday I knew we need to hang out ASAP.

Quinn: No regrets.


What’s next in your dating life?

Jessi: Uhm, no closed doors! I’m not about to rush into anything. I told him my rules, most guys fall off within 5-6 weeks historically in my book. Once you get to that point, you evaluate and if we decide to go further it’s a relationship.

Quinn: Hopefully more dates with Jessi.


Is there anything you want to end with?

Jessi: Be true to yourself, do your thing be independent and someone will come your way!

Quinn:  Thank you Rooster and Outworld! It was awesome!



That’s a homerun, baby. Mission SUCCESS! Third, fourth and fifth dates? A Sunsquabi show? That’s the magic of Rooster’s blind date in action, people. Who needs dating apps, chance luck or even cupid when you’ve got us? Nevermind our success rate — our services are free of charge. All we ask is for an invitation to the wedding.