
Hometown: Lutz, Florida

Age: 23

Current job: Budtender

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Pets: 1 cat, Pee Wee Furrman.

First concert: Jonas Brothers (Joe was my favorite)

Most recent concert: Lil Ugly Mane

What’s your type: Generally the opposite of me, I’m very loud so I like someone reserved and witty because I’m a bit impulsive.

Deal Breakers: If they don’t condone marijuana medicinally, I prefer them to be open minded and willing to do things at least once to try new things. Brunettes with round glasses.

My friends would describe me as: Definitely loud, colorful.

Guilty pleasure: French fries.

Celebrity crush: Olia Shackawack (plays Maeby on Arrested Development)



Hometown: Live in Longmont, from New York.

Age: 28

Current job: Preschool Teacher

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Pets: 1 cat, Oreo.

First concert: Ciara

Most recent concert: Lee Bryce

What’s your type: Anyone that I can have a conversation with and if your energy is very positive then our energy will match.

Deal breakers: Nope.

My friends would describe me as: Very outgoing, vibrant bubbly, laughs a lot, loud.

Guilty pleasure: Dr Pimple Popper, and I really like prison shows The Shy. 

Celebrity crush: Obama


Round 1

Fall has fallen, things are cooling down and the sweet smell of autumn love is in the air. Or is that pumpkin spice? It's hard to tell the difference. Anyway, in the spirit of love, this month we set up a couple of lovely ladies at Ska Street Brewstillery for a special evening of hoppy beverages, good company and a healthy dose of awkward conversation. Let's see how they fare!


Describe your dating life in three words:

Violet: Adventurous, particular, exciting.

Jenna: Wild, dramatic, everywhere.


Have you ever been on a blind date before?

Violet: Nope.

Jenna: Never.


Where do you usually meet potential partners?

Violet: The internet.

Jenna: Breweries, bowling alleys, Top Golf.


What’s your pickup strategy?

Violet: Right now it’s random but it used to be a little sloothy. Put your city and age range and go for people. 

Jenna: I don’t even think I have one, just be myself? I’ve never thought about it, I just go with it.


Are there any weird dating stories from the past that you’d like to share?

Violet: Every girlfriend I’ve ever had I’ve moved in within a week and a half. Only two long term partners. 4 years and 3 years so it lasted.

Jenna: Crazy story, matched with this guy on Tinder, never met him before in my life. I’m in New Orleans at the airport. He texts me saying are you at the airport, I think we’re on the same flight. We sat next to each other and I haven’t seen him since.


What were you thinking before your Rooster Blind Date?

Violet: A little bit nervous but at worst I get my face in the magazine with free beer make a new friend and at best I make a new friend.

Jenna: OMG I was nervous as hell, I’m an anxiety ridden crazy person. I had to get a CBD drink before coming. 

Did your friends give you any advice before the date?

Violet: You’ll be fine, just shine your pearly whites. 

Jenna: So they were like you’ll be great, you're so easy to talk to, of course I was told be myself, don’t think so much. 


What are you looking for with a partner?

Violet: Just being in sync/balanced without necessarily being too identical. Equal and opposites.

Jenna: Someone that can be my best friend and be my other half and I can still. I was engaged. 


What does a perfect day look like for you?

Violet: Laser tag, bowling, dippin dots and pre rolls in the parking lot.

Jenna: Going to work, having a fabulous day, hitting the gym, and then going and having some beers with friends, being able to walk around the house naked, and go to sleep. 


What does your ideal date look like?

Violet: Some form of potatoes, a nice long car ride on the way home, it helps if they're okay with me accidentally talking over them when I get excited.

Jenna: Someone I can sit down with and talk to and have a full conversation with, someone I can be active with. I like to hike and go to the gym, I was a college athlete.


How are the first impressions?

Violet: Friendly, and welcoming, she’s very bubbly.

Jenna: I really enjoy our conversation she's easy to talk to. 


Are you attracted to your date?

Violet: Yes.

Jenna: Yes.


Round 2

Nervous butterflies? Check. Hopeful love seekers? Check. Mutual attraction? Check! So far so good. The daters seem to be enjoying one another and the beers are working their magic.


How’s it going overall?

Violet: Good so far, we have a very blossoming friendship.

Jenna: I think it’s going really well. She’s awesome to talk to and very animated, plus I love meeting new people.


What are you two talking about?

Violet: A lot of where we came from, food, what our jobs are, mutual bonding points on how we got to the state and how different it is from the east coast. 

Jenna: Different kinds of food we eat, where we’re from (so east coast), she’s from small towns and I’m from New York so comparing our lives a little.


What’s something interesting your date has shared with you?

Violet: She has the exact name and middle name as my sister, and she has the job I wish I could have.

Jenna: Her tattoo sleeve has taken 5 years to complete.


On a scale of 0-5 how is the chemistry?

Violet: 7.

Jenna: I feel like its a 3.7.


Do you have any major similarities or differences?

Violet: We have a lot of cute coincidences I would say. We’re very different people but we’re getting along easily and communication.

Jenna: We are very different, she has a lot of tattoos. I only have two, but I love that she’s a tattoo artist and piercer so I like the creative mindset. 


How was dinner?  What did you get?

Violet: Dinner was amazing, I got The Dave since it’s their most popular vegan option.

Jenna: The one with everything (Ska Street Dagwood).


Is Ska Street a good spot for a date?

Violet: Absolutely it’s cute and quiet.

Jenna: Yeah for sure, our waiter, Garrison, is awesome.  


Would you go on another date with each other?

Violet: Uhm, possibly.

Jenna: I would see her again yeah (maybe as friends).


Where do you want the rest of the night to go?

Violet: I think it’s a very good stepping stone and maybe if we hang out again, it will be productive and beneficial to my life. 

Jenna: I have to be at work at 7 am so I just want to go to my bed, I know that sounds terrible. If it was Friday I’d be down to brewhop.

Round 3

With a cumulative chemistry score of 10.5 there should be sparks flying between these girls! The conversation was flowing as freely as the beer, the daters were getting on great, and the night was still young when Rooster slipped out of Ska and left these two on their own. Where'd it go from there? We checked in the next day to find out.


What happened after Rooster left?

Violet: We finished our drinks, chatted outside for a bit, then I caught my Lyft home.

Jenna: We hung out outside, talked about 15-20 minutes and then went home.


Did Rooster find a match?

Violet:  I think for friendship at least, I like meeting new people.

Jenna:  I don’t think so. She’s cool to talk to, just not really my type I guess.


Was there a goodbye kiss?

Violet: There was not.

Jenna: No lol.


Overall, how was it?

Violet: Very enjoyable actually. I was really nervous but I had more fun than I thought I’d let myself have so it wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be.

Jenna:  It was great, I had fun and good conversation.


Do you have any advice for future Blind Daters?

Violet: Approach it with an open mind, every date might not end in a relationship but you might make a friend, plus it’s a dope night out.

Jenna: Go in with an open mind.


Do you have any regrets from last night?

Violet: I don’t think so, we had a lot more in common then I anticipated and its nice to meet new people when it’s almost impossible right now.

Jenna:  No not any regrets, the food was bomb, I had a good time and good beer.


What’s next in your dating life?

Violet: Get through COVID, then meet new people in different ways than I normally would, like not online and try to find a like-minded person.

Jenna: OMG I don’t know! If the shoe fits I guess.


Is there anything you want to end with?

Violet: This was definitely an experience I think everyone should try at least once. I was way out of my element and was surprised how much fun I had.

Jenna:  I’m glad I was picked and I really enjoyed myself. Thanks Rooster!



And another one bites the dust. It doesn't make sense: they loved the meal, they enjoyed the beer, they got along great, they were both attractive and attracted to each other! And still Rooster only found a pair of friends.  Oh well. As a wise man once said, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it fall in love with a stranger on the first date."