Just when guys were getting used to the sympathy blowjob …

The concept of male ‘blue balls’ is pretty commonplace at this juncture; that woebegone pain endured by innumerable males is the sad result of not orgasming. While the extremely exaggerated, socially accepted excuse has ended in many guilty consolation blowies for years now, science has determined that ladies too experience a similar discomfort in the form of ‘blue clit.’

While ‘blue balls’ is the minor pain caused by unreleased, built-up blood pressure in the penis and scrotum, according to Men’s Health, ‘blue clit’ is similarly caused by a physiological ‘back-up’ so to speak. According to Sid Azmi, a sexpert and owner of the ‘Please New York’ sex shop in Brooklyn, NY: “It’s not a declared medical condition, but just like men can have that backup of blood due to the non-release of orgasm, that can happen to women, too,” Azmi explained in an interview with Elite Daily.

When females become physically stimulated, blood flows increasingly to the clitoris, triggering a swelling of the organ. If all that subsequent blood is not released by say… a screaming orgasm, blue clit ensues.

There is a disparity in the resulting pain between the sexes however. Azmi acknowledges that the symptoms of blue clit are not quite as painful as blue balls are for males, meaning the guilty handy/blowy isn’t going anywhere anytime soon so long as males across the globe continue to be whining epic man babies.

The slight discrepancies in whose poor little whatever hurts more aside, the blue balls scenario is still and will probably continue to be the more highly sympathized of the two. Azmi believes this is just another example of how females are “more accommodating” to the male orgasm than vice versa.

“A lot of women fake their orgasms because they think it takes too long, [or] because guys don’t do it right, and they don’t know how to tell their partners they’re not doing it the what they want to… So [if the] tension doesn’t get released anatomically, we feel it psychologically.”

There you have it, folks. Ladies, don’t be afraid to dish back that tidal wave of guilt until he gets the job done.