It's the perfect balance when you know them well enough to break out the Treasure Box (Walgreens bag full of dildos) but not well enough to break out a ring.

Sex is literally the most complicated thing on this giant floating space orb we're on, but a new study has found that it's people in the least complicated relationships that do it the best.

According to a study by Peter Jonason of the University of West Florida, people in a friends with benefits or booty call situation have much better sex than they do in one-night stands or long-term relationships.

The sex booty calls have is both "freakier" and "more fulfilling," perhaps because the nature of the relationship walks the line between emotional attachment and existing purely for pleasure. Because of that, people feel more comfortable trying new things than they do with one-night stands, but also reap the benefit of sexual charge and sparks that start to fade in committed future-ex-spouse situations.

Reports LiveScience

The team found that overall, emotional acts were less common in booty-call relationships compared with serious long-term relationships. On the other hand, sex acts were more common in booty-call relationships than in one-night stands, probably because the reoccurring nature of booty calls means more time for trying new things, the researchers suspect.

“It’s unlikely that a guy and a girl who meet at a nightclub tonight are going to go home and play, let’s say, dress-up,” Jonason said. “If they try something freaky, they may lose all chance of a sexual encounter with the other person.”

Surprisingly, he said, people who’d been in one-night stands reported more emotional acts than sexual acts, much like people in long-term relationships. The finding could be a result of the small sample size, or due to the revved-up nature of one-night stands.

“Emotional acts like kissing and hand-holding function as foreplay and act to escalate the relationship, in a very quick fashion, to sex,” Jonason said. “You have to get from zero to 60 in a really short time.”

However, if there's anything that messes with the perfect formula of passionate sex and mini-emotions booty calls bring, it's when one person pushes the other for something more. Therefore, the study authors suggest you leave right after sex to prevent attachment from forming … because who doesn't love lying alone, naked in a recent puddle of semen?

However, the easiest way to prevent bonds from forming between you and your 3 a.m. genital with a face is to clearly define the boundaries of your relationship, at the same knowing that they could change. That way, you don't have to weather the shock when they blurt out "I love you" after you've just clamped their nipples to a generator.