If you were ever wondering how to up your romance game, look no further than this Craigslist "Missed Connections" ad, in which a boy falls madly in love with a farting goddess in a local Taco Bell. Mmm, it's about to get hot in here.
What is romance, you ask?
This Craigslist "Missed Connection" post from Columbus, Ohio, is romance.
It depicts a classic love story…you know the one where the girl in a Taco Bell releases a spurt of gas from her rectum so unfathomably noxious that the boy falls in love with her butt? Yeah, the one where her fart kill so many of his brain cells that he takes to the internet to solicit her for anal sex? Mmm, yeah, baby. That one.
So throw on some Barry White, open up a bottle of wine or Taco Bell, and prepare to get a lesson in love.
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