In the wake of Jeffery Epstein’s “suicide” (read: murder), there has been a hurricane of speculation, accusations, lawsuits, articles, gossip and conspiracy theorizing. His estates have been seized and “searched,” his dark legacy has been forever tarnished, and his partner in crime and co-pimp who helped recruit young women into their cultish pedophile ring, Ghislhaine Maxwell, has seemingly vanished from the face of Earth.

But, what gets lost in all that drama and conjecture, are those who lost their jobs when Epstein and Maxwell disappeared. Household helpers, security guards, personal chefs, drivers, pilots… everyone employed by these scoundrels was quite suddenly and unexpectedly left unemployed when Epstein died and Maxwell dissapeared.

Including Epstein’s iconic, island sex temple. Yes, the blocky, golden owl adorned, blue and white striped island temple (which looks like something from an Eyes Wide Shut sequel), is now out of work and on the streets. Without the kingpin pedophile pimp to keep it busy, the sex temple has fallen on hard times.

epsteinEpstein's island sex temple, back when it still HAD A JOB.

Which is why it’s moved to Los Angeles, in search of work. Everybody’s gotta’ eat — even buildings built for pedophile sex rituals, apparently. This video chronicles his struggles.