What’s probably going on is that your mouth is like a Sarlacc from Star Wars, it’s filled with razor-sharp teeth and it’s dry as fuck. What’s more likely is that you don’t quite understand what kind of head he likes. Men have wildly different preferences when it comes to getting head; some like it slow and deliberate, others like to face-fuck you. Some love it when you focus all the attention on the head, others crave the sensation of your lips going up the entire length of their dick. Some like it when you fuck around with their balls, others aren’t into it. Men are just as unpredictable and picky as the ladies when it comes to their genitals getting put in people's mouths.
Want a great way to find out what kind he likes? Watch him masturbate. Notice what part of his dick he touches, how he touches it, what kind of pressure he uses, the speed he’s whacking off at, etc. Another great way? Use that giant gaping hole in the middle of your face (mouth) to ask him. He secretly wants you to. He’s not telling you exactly how he wants it because he doesn’t want to hurt your sensitive little heart, but I’ll bet you five bucks that if you ask, he’ll tell.
That being said, there’s a few things that 99% of guys can agree on when it comes to head. First, consistent movements at a pace they like. Don’t get all “This is me having a seizure, giggle!” and change up pressures and techniques every five seconds. When you find something he likes, stick with it. Second, teeth. It’s best if you don’t have them, but if you do, be conscious of what they’re scraping. I know, I know, it’s hard to feel what your teeth are feeling, but do me a favor and try. Third, get shit wet. Don’t worry about being sloppy; your spit is a god-send and it's there for a reason. It makes everything feel better. Lastly, almost every guy likes an increase in pressure and speed when they’re close to coming. You can tell they’re about to because their dicks will get even harder, and they’ll start moaning or moving around more that usual. Wonderful! If your dude is just laying there even after you've taken all that into consideration, check his pulse. If he's alive, consider the fact that the way he experiences pleasure might not be to yell like the "This is Sparta!" guy. Maybe for him, pleasure is silence. Was that a haiku?
One last possibility: he’s the one in a million guys that doesn’t really like head. For whatever reason, he’s not into how it feels. Maybe he likes to be in control giving you pleasure. Or, maybe he just prefers the feel of a microwaved cantaloupe to your Sarlacc face. I'm gonna have to start charging for this shit pretty soon…
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