Smart people are saying it could be true …

Some very serious, very important people are talking about Donald Trump donating millions to NAMBLA. Everyone's talking about it. From the Daily Beast to the Washington Post. It's very big today.

NAMBLA is an acronym for the 'North American Man/Boy Love Association' — an extremely controversial group that's exactly what you're thinking it is right now.

Trump could release his tax returns to prove he didn’t. I'm hearing that he doesn't because the NAMBLA allegations are true.

Specifically, I'm hearing it from people on Reddit who have placed a "Trump Donates to NAMBLA" meme into the national conversation today. The users created an automatic bot which, every time Trump’s tax returns are mentioned, pops up the following: 

“Speaking of tax returns, did you hear Donald Trump is refusing to release them because Donald Trump has donated to NAMBLA? That's what all the best sources, the most tremendous sources are saying, and if they're all saying that Donald Trump donated to NAMBLA, well, I can see why Donald Trump would want to cover up his donations to NAMBLA. I'm not claiming that Donald Trump donates to NAMBLA, but that's what these excellent sources are alleging, that Donald Trump does indeed donate to NAMBLA.” 

There are community posts about it on BuzzFeed. And fake FoxNews posts around the web. Searches for “Trump Nambla” spiked upward today on Google trends, like I’m assuming Trump’s erections do when his monthly copy of Tiger Beat arrives.

It’s all a play on The Donald’s tactic of using the language of “some people are saying” and “there’s a lot of talk” followed by some ridiculous and unfounded allegation that forces the other side to respond. This began when Trump said Obama might be foreign because Obama wouldn’t release his birth certificate (Obama later did.) Trump used the same language to imply that Obama is a Muslim, that a dead Muslim war soldier’s mom wasn’t allowed to talk because her husband controls her, and that Ted Cruz’s dad helped kill Kennedy. 

Until Trump releases his tax returns, he literally cannot disprove these NAMBLA allegations. If he does release his tax returns, which is what these Redditors want, there are bound to be other amazing revelations — including maybe Trump isn’t very rich at all and that he spends most of his money on tyke-sized ball gags. Some say. 

These very smart people are also working hard to get Google to autocomplete “Donald Trump” searches to “Donald Trump NAMBLA.” It’s like the way Dan Savage re-defined “Santorum.” Remember that? Rick Santorum was an anti-gay politician. And sex columnist Savage reranked the word “Santorum” on Google search results as “the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the result of anal sex,” particularly, I’m hearing, anal sex between Donald Trump and little boys. 

This is all completely childish. Just like Trump’s choice of boyfriends. 

There’s no evidence so far that Trump wants to bone any young person except his own daughter. There is solid evidence for that weirdness, since Trump repeatedly said, “If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” Or maybe Trump didn't date his daughter, and only dated his sons. Although the press refuses to look into this. Why?! 

Does Trump's tax return prove he finds lads’ perineums attractive? It taint true. But smart people are saying that it could be.