We can all relate to this woman's struggle …

There are a lot of things you both should and should not do on a first date. Hiding poop in your purse falls into the latter category …

But as one gorgeous Toronto woman named Makela discovered, sometimes the only way to truly learn something is to go through it yourself. Only then can the healing process occur.

After being affronted with the shitty situation of a floating piece of her own doo-doo that wouldn't flush, our heroine did what any woman would: Tweeted about it when the smoke cleared.

You're never gonna want to put poop in your purse again after reading this, trust us.

We're listening …

Confidence will only get you so far though …

Here's when things start to get interesting:

She leaves the bathroom and returns to her date, who at this point is ready for pleasure.

Somehow, she's able to take a break from premarital sex and rapidly text her sister for advice. Let us tell you … Makela's sister knows what she's talknig about.

However, in a merciful turn of events, it won't be necessary to launch the poo-bomb out the window afterall …


Now she comes full circle with the cautionary lesson to be learned …

… personally, we'd rather have poop in our purses. But perhaps an even grander takeaway message is this: if you're embarrassed about poop, maybe don't Tweet about the time you hid yours in your purse? Only because, you know, the Internet.

Ayy poop girl!