Drool will pour from her mouth when she looks at you, her tits will double in size and she won't vomit uncontrollably when you try to touch her…

Drool will pour from her mouth when she looks at you, her tits will double in size and she won't vomit uncontrollably when you try to touch her. No, but really, if a girl is interested in you, she will laugh at everything you say, which may surprise you at first because you're really not that funny, but she will think you are. She will always be smiling at you, asking questions about you, adjusting her boobs so they look better. She’ll tell her friends about you, she’ll touch you when she talks to you. She’ll make an effort to hang out with you, blah blah blah. But if you're sitting there on a date, and she's not talking, not smiling, not laughing, not asking questions about you, she is not attracted to you. Or she is in a coma…or she’s a mannequin. Nice going. When it comes to sex though, girls are all different about how they’ll use sex to show they like you. Some will withhold sex, using the excuse that they care about and want to get to know you better first before they you that special part of themselves (vagina). Other girls will really, really want to have sex with you if they like you, regardless if it’s a first date, second date, whatever. But if it’s just the first date we’re talking about here, look for tit re-adjustment and annoying girlish giggling.