This dog's name is URL and it does not like what you've been doing with your hands.
Back in April, Utah declared porn a public health crisis that leads to a "broad spectrum of individual and public health impacts and societal harm.” After all, nothing is quite as detrimental to our treasured way of life as the YouPorn title "THAT IS HOW WE FUCK!!!"
However, while Utah has been unable to achieve their goal of making porn entirely illegal, they do have a powerful solution to keep Utah's citizens from away from the "Her Ass Is an A.T.M Machine" videos … and no, it's not getting everyone in Utah's moms to simultaneously walk in on them at once.
It's a porn-sniffing dog, and he's here to make sure your hands are where they can pet him.
The dog's nickname is URL, but his full name is "URL," with quotations.
According to the Weber County Sheriff’s Office, URL a member of an elite K9 unit that's specially trained to sniff out electronic equipment In fact, URL was trained by the same guy as Bear, the infamous canine that helped sniff out Jared Fogle's child porn collection.
However, while it's funny to daydream about a law-enforcing black lab such as URL getting sicked on hapless bozos every time they Google "grandma titties," the sheriffs' office explains that URL can't actually smell unsavory images or videos themselves. Rather, he's trained to find "unique chemical compounds found in certain electronic components" of "thumb drives, cellphones, SIM cards, SD cards, external hard drives, tablets and iPads." This makes him useful not in the case of harmless home jerkers, but in more serious cases involving “child porn, terrorism intelligence, narcotics or financial crimes information."
… And consensual adult porn, if the Utah legislature gets its way.
So no, URL can't smell whether or not you just watched "Anal Chiropractor Vol.X," but he can smell if you're a Jared Fogle, which probably smells like poorly made turkey sandwiches.
Not sure whether URL gets rewarded with a bone or a DVD Bluray copy of "Big Boners In the Bone Yard," when he's done a good job, but … Utah, man.
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