Want sexual enlightenment, but only have time for a quickie? Every week, we recap the most interesting sex headlines from around the world.

1. A Florida fraternity was sharing sexual videos and pictures of women without their consent, alleges a new lawsuit. The lawsuit was filed by a woman who discovered her boyfriend had been posting naked photos and videos of her to the frat’s private Facebook group, called the "Dog Pound."

2. A Kansas man wouldn’t stop fucking a car until he was tased. Twenty-three year old Ryan Malek was just trying to stick his dick in the tailpipe of a car when some narc called the cops on him. Fun fact: it’s not actually illegal to fuck a car — it’s just against the law to do it in broad daylight, for other people to see.

3. The House unanimously passed a bill to make child sex robots illegal, called the “Curbing Realistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic Robots,” or CREEPER Act. Some researchers have argued that child sex dolls could be used to potentially rehabilitate pedophiles, but legislators have no interest in exploring this idea.

4. A blanket designed for period sex is finally here. It’s being sold by period-panties brand Thinx for a meager $400. Finally, ladies can abandon that romantic red and brown towel smeared with chunks of uterus.

5. Condoms are now “instruments of crime,” according to Pittsburgh police, who have been using them to charge sex workers with first-degree misdemeanors. The district attorney acknowledges that HIV is a serious public health risk, but chooses to criminalize condoms in an effort to crack down on human trafficking.

6. A new report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons finds that a growing number of men are turning to plastic surgery to “contour” their abs, penises and man boobs.

7. Planned Parenthood is suing the creator of Trump’s abstinence-only policies. The lawsuit alleges that the country’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (TPPP) “abstinence-only-until-marriage” and “sexual risk avoidance” curriculum fail to use scientifically-supported and evidence-based approaches to curb teen pregnancy.

8. Hollywood kills the casting couch because of its rape-y past. The largest actors' union in the U.S. and the four major television networks (ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox) have agreed on a contract to limit one-on-one auditions at “high-risk” locations, like hotel rooms and private homes. It also encourages actors to bring a “support peer,” who should be in the room with them the whole time.

9. Owner of 5 legal brothels and America’s biggest pimp, Dennis Hof, wins the Republican primaries in Nevada. Now, the region’s evangelical Christians are backing Hof. These voters don’t seem to mind his role as a kingpin of the sex trade or the allegations against him, of rape and other sexual abuse. They believe Hof, much like Trump, will protect religious rights, clean up politics, and not be beholden to special-interest groups and their money.

10. All over the world, “creepshots” and “upskirting” are proving difficult to criminalize. Within the past couple of weeks, tens of thousands of women in South Korea protested in the streets against the country’s rampant hidden camera problem. Then, the UK’s bill to make upskirting a sexual offense was blocked by one lawmaker. Citizens are protesting the lawmaker’s block by hanging pairs of panties outside his office.