Take this next one with 2 ounces of tequila and a large square of salt, but the dating site Zoosk went and thumbed through over 3 million dating profiles and uncovered fairly interesting stuff if you're not looking to do a ton of thinking right now.
Of the 3 million dating profiles studied, the site scoured through over 300 million "first messages" to see what kind of an impact food has on the hookup culture. The main takeaway? Guacamole and potatoes are king, and foods such as fried chicken and yams are detrimental to your social life.
Let us explain …
As the site points out, mentioning food in dating profiles is oddly significant. "Some foods, such as guacamole, potatoes, and chocolate are particularly successful at increasing the amount of messages (users with these foods in their profile have over 100% more incoming messages than the average)," the site says.
What's more, by classifying yourself as a "foodie" or even just mentioning food somewhere in your profile, the chances of you getting more incoming messages increase by over 80 percent.
But it depends on the types of food you're after, strangely enough. A large majority of women feel like a fast-food date is a turnoff, while dudes say it's whatever (59 percent versus 25). One in ten women say going to fast-food on a first date is a deal-breaker, too, citing they think the guys are cheap, unhealthy or just too easy to please.
Again, people are a strange bunch, and no one ever really fits perfectly into categories and statistics like these from a non-scientific-based dating site looking for free marketing. But 3 million profiles is a massive data set, so it's not like everything said in the report is to be thrown away entirely. Sushi is sexy, fried chicken is not, and a fast-food first date is set up for disaster. Those are just great rules to live by.
So if you're single and stuck meeting people online, why not give guacamole a try? Or just be a more interesting person …
… nah, screw it, stick with the guac.
Top 10 Foods To Mention
1. Guacamole – 144 percent
2. Potatoes – 101 percent
3. Chocolate – 100 percent
4. Salad – 97 percent
5. Sushi – 93 percent
6. Avocado – 91 percent
7. Pasta – 75 percent
8. Cheese – 75 percent
9. Cake – 72 percent
10. Burger – 68 percent
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