Miley Cyrus responds to Sinead O'Connors motherly advice with her her most slut-ever photoshoot to date, coutesy of American Apparel photography legend, creepy Uncle Terry. Not even close to being suitable for work…unless you work at Rooster (we do).

Okay, we didn't know where to put these photos, so they're in the "Fashion" section. Not that this is fashion. This is a stoned lil' lass called Miley Cyris wearing a leotard that's riding so high up her vag it could be considered a functional IUD. But these photos were shot by someone who's famous for shooting things that are the epitome of the word fashion in quotations: Terry Richardson of American Apparel. And we all know American Apparel models are high and naked as fuck. Miley's no model, but she's got the naked and high thing down pat. Check out her raunchiest photoshoot ever.

Later, stoner.