Looking for your favorite paper clip or the egg-shaped Mardi Gras beads you lost in 2011? Oh, don't worry they're probably just in Miley Cyrus' artwork. That's right, art purists, the singer and general societal terror has added the supporting role of "artist" to her running cast of personalities, and is now making psycho-sculptures as an emotional outlet.

Looking for your favorite paper clip or the egg-shaped Mardi Gras beads you lost in 2011? Oh, don't worry they're probably just in Miley Cyrus' artwork. That's right, art purists, the singer and general societal terror has added the supporting role of "artist" to her running cast of personalities, and is now making psycho-sculptures as an emotional outlet.

Moved to the point of artistic creation by the sudden death of her dog, Floyd, Miley took her woes to the 99 Cent store and Walmart where she used her celebrity to purchase every goddamn they sold.  She then added her new treasures to her existing collection of everything that's ever fallen between your couch cushions and glued it together as part of a Fashion Week collaboration with designer Jeremy Scott. The art-making process proved to be very therapeutic, and as she puts it, "helped the world stop shitting on me."

"I just started hot gluing' everythang to everthang," she explained, referring to her process which seems to have involved equal parts meticulous craftsmanship and ecstasy.

Some of the "everthangs" she spoke of included both abstract and concrete nouns such as plastic flowers, sadness, plastic beads, sadness, marsh mellows, and more sadness, which as you'll see below, culminated in a collection entitled "Dirty Hippy."

To prove how real her gluing habit is, she even had an exhibit at a gallery in New York where fans could come and see what Miley had gone and done now, y'all! That's just too legit.

Her collection is equal parts EDM rave at Burning man, 90's shampoo bottles and long lost Happy Meal toys, all things that fit perfectly in with Jeremy Scott's current line. His line, which features trippy t-shirts and the sort of kimonos only a reptilian sex deity would wear, was inspired by … are you sitting down … "culture."

“We’re on the same wavelength—its like a psychedelic jungle,” Scott said in regards to his collaboration with Miley. “All of these stream of consciousness, colorful, playful, whimsical things mixed up together. I love that there’s a DIY feel to the sculptures, which is part of the look of the show. I want it to be less about a model army and more about a group of cool, individualized people hanging out together.”

His Spring 2015 collection features "brightly colored prints collaged together into pants and tops, psychedelic garments proclaiming “DON’T DO DRUGS,” and a brief ode to Halloween (pumpkin sweaters and skull pants)."

Here he is in a video, describing his creative union with Miley as his models strut down the run way dripping with the neon pipe cleaners you pasted to some cardboard for an art project in first grade.

But arguably the best part of Miley's art isn't her art at all; it's Whoopi Goldberg's seal of approval, which she metaphorically stamped on Miley's face when she said, "In such a serious world, I need some fun. So you know, shoes that have wings on them make me happy." Well said, Whoopi. We loved you in Xanadu, but we love you even more now.
Let's take a look at some items from the collection that Whoopi loves so much, which include, but are not limited to …
1. A old-timey cash register that doubles as a bong that doubles as a device to test the limits of the human retina

2. A walking stick that'll walk you straight off the precipice of sanity into the murky depths of hell itself, like a GPS device for sin

3. An homage to the time you thought your feet were falling of when you smoked acid-laced weed at the Rainbow Gathering

4. A shame mask you can wear when you did something bad but no one knows it was you/ a device that tells people to keep their fingers away from your mouth

5. A holder for everything that ever existed

So, kids, there you have it! The reason why your toys are gone is because Miley made them into a festive nipple clamp; but you're missing the point … follow your dreams, and don't pigeon-hole yourself. You can be a MTV darling, an advertisement for condoms, and a hot gluer of all things plastic all at once if you only put your mind to it.

Miley Cyrus’s Dirty Hippy will be on display at the V Magazine galleries, 11 Mercer St., beginning September 11.