Guys, they’ll do anything to increase their sexual prowess, even if that involves injecting metal or plastic balls under the skin of their penis to help enhance the sexual pleasure of their partner.

Guys, they’ll do anything to increase their sexual prowess, even if that involves injecting metal or plastic balls under the skin of their penis to help enhance the sexual pleasure of their partner. And as desperate and painful as this might seem, “Pearling” is a growing trend among males in the US. God help us all.

Pearling or penis beading is a type of body modification in which small pearls or beads are inserted under the skin of the penis. Don't worry ladies, you can join in the fun as well as pearling can also be done on the labia. Also known as speed bumps, penis pearling creates bumps under the skin that are meant to enhance sexual pleasure, as well as creating aesthetic interest. Both the wearer and his partner can enjoy the happy benefit of increased stimulation and sensation; a man can have the pearls implanted on his shaft, under his foreskin, or in the scrotum.

What the males aren’t considering, and most sane individuals are, is that this practice can be dangerous if not supervised by a professional. Not only is there a astronomical chance of infection, there’s also a significant increase in the possibility of erectile dysfunction. But if you’re going this far to solve your insecurity issues in the bedroom, chances are you don’t possess the foresight to care about your dick’s vitality as an old man. 

For some men, pearling is just a form of self expression. But for others, it’s hope that they’ll be a better lover. As for us, we’ll stick with dying our hair and getting tattoos as a form of self-expression. And as for our sexual prowess, we'll do what we've always done, close our eyes and hope for the best.