Honestly, is Nickelback even that bad though?

Whether you're chucking fire into the engine or along for the ride in a swanky caboose sipping champagne, everyone in the country right now is aboard the Trump train. No candidate in recent memory has ever dominated headlines the way he has, and (fingers crossed) will likely never be seen to this extreme anytime in our existence. But some people are out there who want him in office, for whatever reason. 

Even though, according to a recent Public Policy Polling report, things like hipsters, used car salesmen — even Nickelback — are more favorable than the world's worst landlord, Donald Trump right now. 

Shittier things poll better too. On this week's show, Rachel Maddow explained that "by a considerable margin, the republican party's presumptive nominee Donald Trump is less popular than lice."

For what it's worth, the poll doesn't take the "more favorable than" questions against the other candidates, solely Trump. We're not saying Bernie or Hillary would poll poorly against traffic jams but … oh, who the fuck are we kidding, of course they would. Politicians are in the worst possible position right now because everyone is pissed and segregated by virtue. We're not happy with any of them.

Maybe it's time Nickelback frontman Chad Kroger throws his bid into the hat just for fun. It would, in fact, not be the craziest thing that's happened so far this election cycle.