NSFW photos at your job and playpants go together like peanut butter and jelly… or cigarettes and drinking…
Remember that time in middle school when you were at the movie theater trying to get your move on during the 4:30pm screening of Scream 2 and you couldn't because there were buttons and zippers and bear traps and shit that seemed endless? No? Well, we do, and if only our prayers during the movie came through, these jeans would have appeared on our wishlist. The Playpants are the brainchild of a Lithuanian designer who obviously was having the same problem as us in 7th grade. Inside the pocket is a zipper that gives free and direct access to the lower genital region say you need to bypass the three-button system Lucky Jeans thinks is so cool. Or maybe you are sitting at work and that NSFW Huffington Post article comes up and you're lonely, crying and in need of physical contact. Should you buy these Kickstarter-funded jeans? Yes. Simply because the promotional pictures make them look so damn cool. [PURCHASE]
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