By Josh Schmitz, Founder Ruckus Apparel
As we welcome a new year of fashion, let’s go over some of my guidelines and this year’s ins and outs to help you ladies and gentlemen stay ahead of the curve.

By Josh Schmitz, Founder Ruckus Apparel

As we welcome a new year of fashion, let’s go over some of my guidelines and this year’s ins and outs to help you ladies and gentlemen stay ahead of the curve.


We know, we understand, unless you are a keen fashion observer, you don’t really care about this stuff, but let me tell you a little story. I was a sophomore in college and was a little down on myself. My grades weren’t great, we had just lost in the Sweet 16 in rugby in Santa Barbra, Calif., I broke my nose, and my dog had died. So, feeling all down on my luck, I called one of my mentors at the time, Trevor. I told him about how life sucked, blah blah blah. He stopped me mid­sentence and asked one simple question. It’s a bit vulgar, but it gets this point across the best way I know how. He said; “Josh, what are you doing with your life that makes girls want to fuck you?”

Ask yourself that same question, and let it sink in a little bit.

Now take a deep breath, and read through the below advice. Let’s get your confidence up. I’m not here to change you or your style. I am here to simply allow you to be be the best version of yourself you can be. Lets get started:


The undercut is in. Think David Beckham meets Leo in “Titanic.” Will you ever look like that? No, but you can at least try. The undercut is an extremely versatile haircut, perfect for the young businessman as well as the star athlete.

Pro­tip: The dad haircut is out. We get it, you like whiskey and the Proper Barbershop but quit trying to look like Mr. Cleaver.


Some of your childhood trends are making their way back in. Properly rolled jeans are one of them. We like to call it the gentlemen’s roll. It applies in a bunch of different areas, but mainly when wearing boots or dress shoes. This is a perfect style addition to set you apart from the crowd, especially if your sock game is on point.


The beard isn’t going anywhere. Our recommendation to you is to let that puppy go. Who cares if your mom or girlfriend or grandma says you look homeless? Give it a month or two to properly mature. Its OK if your girlfriend leaves you in the process, because when you come out on the other end looking like a grade­ A badass, girls will line up around the block.


It sounds a bit off, but duck shoes and show boods (ex. Sorels) are making a huge dent in the fashion world right now. Especially in Colorado during these cold months, don’t be afraid to wear these out and about proudly. Either tuck your jeans into them or roll them to sit above the base, and be on the forefront of this trend before it hits full steam next year.

Follow these simple rules, and we’ll have you out of that “Space Jam” T and those flip­flops, well on your way to being a real boy. Above everything, if it makes you feel good, wear it. Forget what anyone else says. Individuality is always rule No. 1 when it comes to fashion.



Now its your turn. I’ve been in the confidence business for a long time now. The Ruckus women’s line is making international headlines and was just featured in Status Magazine as one of the hottest up­and­coming women’s streetwear lines in America. How that happened is based on one simple thing, making you feel good about yourself. Just like with men, individuality is key.

Forget the brands, forget the “trends,” forget the “in­colors.” Find what you love and rep it proudly and unapologetically.


I see this happen more and more, and I have to say something about it. I am not a fan of the one­side­shaved trend. It might look good after its properly (and/or professionally styled) but it’s not sustainable. You’ll eventually want your hair back, and that’s when the reality of what you did to your ‘do sets in. Also, ladies, there is a big, big difference between having an ombre and just having roots. Do not attempt to do this yourself. Go see a real stylist. Adrianne Martinez at Henry's in Denver, and Manda Hesterly at The Parlour in Wash Park are the best in town.


Yoga pants and workout wear is in. As long as you know the difference between leggings and tights, you are in the clear. Do not engage in the “people of Walmart” behavior. Leggings and yoga pants are a completely suitable replacement for jeans in our (and most of America’s) opinion. A loose flowy crop top or tank­top coupled with a good bra has become the new norm, and even makes solid clubwear if worn right. Side boob is the new cleavage; wear it well.


Rings and chunky, bold jewelry are coming back strong. To get this look without breaking the bank we suggest you check out Buffalo Exchange and antique stores for awesome hidden gems. DIY is also a strong go­to when it comes to jewelry. Use your craft skills to make your own long, dangly unique necklaces.


Ladies, it’s time to invest in good boots. I’m talking RedWings, Sorels, Doc Martins. You can wear them numerous ways, and if you go with a solid color like black they damn near go with every outfit you have. Next time you go to the store to splurge on those new heels, consider going with new boots instead. You’ll thank me after.


This is the one area where I want to give you full range to be as bold and creative as you want to be. Find a good salon, and stick with your same stylist. Keep in mind that class and black will never go out of style, so get creative. If, however, you’re ever mistaken for Ke$ha, it’s time to re­assess your swag.


In closing, overall, 2014 is about being you. So get off your ass, get out of your house, dress to kill, and go do epic shit.