Assuming you can find someone to have sex with in the first place, Lovely APP provides you with the graphs and charts of your short comings.
Assuming you can find someone to have sex with in the first place, Lovely App provides you with the graphs and charts of your short comings. It's like FitBit for your sex life!
Because really, you can’t improve something if you don’t keep track of it, right? So without graphs and charts, you’ll never be any better at laying pipe. Or at least that’s what the folks at Lovely thought, and then decided to do something about it. They’re crowdfunding through IndieGoGo, asking for $95,000 to make their sex-stat dreams a reality. At press time, they’re about a third of the way.
You can make pie charts out of just about every aspect of the no-pants dance. Top speed? G-forces? We’ve always likened our junk to a Blue Angels fighter jet, but now we’ll have the numbers to back it up. As soon as we have sex, of course. We only ask that you can post your sessions to Facebook and other social media sites so others can “like” them and comment on them.
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