Today's best and brightest minds are currently hard at work curing cancer and inventing flying solar powered jets … but that's only when they're sober. Get those minds drunk, and what's the outcome? Oh, you know, just  a beer pong robot that will slaughter its opponents with chillingly ruthless precision for no other reason than because it can, goddamnit.

Today's best and brightest minds are currently hard at work curing cancer and inventing flying solar powered jets … but that's only when they're sober. Get those minds drunk, and what's the outcome? Oh, you know, just  a beer pong robot that will slaughter its opponents with chillingly ruthless precision for no other reason than because it can, goddamnit.

The robot comes from Empire Robotics and was showcased at this year's CES show. Nerds!

As for the accuracy of the arm, Empire Robotics said the thing was calibrated by shooting for the center cup 10 times, then making fine adjustments so it can hit the other cups.

They also gave us a faint glimmer of hope by saying that the robot's not perfect, so a human could technically beat it. That human's probaby not going to be you, but still.

And considering the fact that the robot can only drink oil or robot juice when it misses a shot, whereas you have to take a double shot of whiskey-vodka, we'd bet on the machine versus the human.