Take forever, society. Geez.

For all too long, tattoos have been viewed as the scarlet letter when it comes to getting a job. Unless you want to become a tattoo artist, or Food Network chef, people seem to instinctively judge the hell out of you when you show up to an interview with visible ink. Really, since around 40 percent of people needing a job (ages 18 to 29) have a tattoo, folks really need to calm down with the shade. With dress code policies relaxing from some of the biggest companies around, however, a big shift in acceptance may be on the horizon.

Here's some things going down in corporate America:

– Thanks to a successful online petition for visible tattoos, Jimmy John's has just allowed their employees to rock their ink. 

"A little ink is OK, as long as it's tasteful and not on the face or throat," according to a published memo by the CEO of Jimmy John's. "No sex, drugs or profanity please. If your mom wouldn't approve, better cover 'em up."

– Starbucks just chilled the fuck out about tattoos and piercings too, thanks to another successful online petition

“We are always actively engaged in discussions with our partners to determine how to make their experience better and more valuable,” said Zack Hutson, a Starbucks shill said. In the company’s corporate lingo, “partners” are employees.

Hutson says retention plays “a big part in all the work we do to create the best experience possible for our people,” and adds the company’s retention rate is about half the industry average (Starbucks declined to share exactly how many people say "fuck this place" after only a few hours of working there).

PetSmart’s policy to allow visible tattoos kicked in earlier this year too. But the more liberal policy comes with a caveat: no profanity or naked people on your skin. Peet’s Coffee & Tea, which also allows visible tattoos, also has a policy in place that the ink must not display anything offensive.

With some of the biggest companies in America relaxing their standards, it's only a matter of time until we see tattooed folks everywhere, and discrimination will be a thing of the past.

Celebrate this historic occasion by flashing your ink at work today!