It's great how seasonal you guys are, but come on … Really?
You know how some people only eat foods that are available seasonally? When spring returns, you're in the mood for fresh veggies, and in the depths of winter, hearty stews and potatoes really hit the spot. So it's totally logically that people masturbate to things that are seasonally appropriate, too. Who wants to see two of Santa's elves bang on a snowbank when it's 72 degrees and sunny? Nobody, that's who.
So it makes perfect sense that there are huge spikes in St. Paddy's Day fare when the middle of March rolls around … but specifically, it's "leprechaun porn." And since a basic search of "leprechaun porn" scared the shit out of us, here's the one picture that didn't make us cringe:
So if you wanna see people with fake Irish accents plow each other, you just found your personal pot of gold. The actual stat breakdown really raises more questions than it answers:
We love how people are getting into the spirit of things — but according to these searches, do people really want to see a fifth-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop of Ireland, Saint Patrick, bone people? And are people genuinely interested in seeing leprechauns get it on? The world is a mysterious, disgusting place.
And according to PornHub stats, just celebrating St. Patrick's Day makes the Irish horny. Last year, traffic in Northern Ireland and Ireland soared by 11 percent and five percent respectively on the big day.
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