One Las Vegas sex party had big dreams: make history with the world’s largest orgy. Tragically, its valiant effort to break a world record failed when the event couldn’t get enough people to come.

The founders of Sin City 8 had envisioned an epic 5-day sex festival. The schedule included enlightening sex workshops, a kitten play party, slut olympics and clothes-off karaoke.

On the final day of the festival, the organizers promised a finale of a legendary gang bang: more than 1,000 partners penetrating each other in the same room, at the same time. This would effectively crush the current world record for largest orgy, a 500-person sex session that took place in Japan in 2006.


However, planning an orgy is no small feat, and the road to a historic banging is always filled with hurdles. The first major problem came when Stephen Colbert announced the exact location of Sin City 8 — an Embassy Suites in Las Vegas. When the hotel became fully aware of the epic debauchery planned to take part between its walls, it pulled out. The orgy’s organizers were forced find a new venue.

They searched until they settled on Las Vegas' Erotic Heritage Museum. But the day before the event, organizers were again asked to move all their erotic activities off site.

With only hours to spare, Sin City 8 was re-established at one last adult play space, called The Green Door.

In the end, only 375 participants actually showed up. Even more upsetting than falling short of the world record was the odd number of attendees. When the humping commenced, one poor soul likely watched miserably as all the other couples pair off, then left to masturbate in the darkest, dustiest corner of the sex dungeon.

"We didn’t beat the world record — but we were still able to host a pretty amazing event, considering the circumstances our team had to overcome," the sex party’s leadership said in a statement.

They assure disappointed Americans that Sin City 9 will be held again next year, with a reinvigorated passion for a record-breaking pounding.