Have you ever reached into your pocket looking for your vape pen only to think, "UNGH, this is so hard?" Then you'll love Vaprwear, the smokable apparel that lets you get high without the try.
Have you ever reached into your pocket looking for your vape pen only to think, "UUUNNGGGGGHHHHH, this is so hard?" Then you'll love Vaprwear, the smokable apparel that lets you get high without the try. It is a sweatshirt after all.
Vaprwear utilizes the dlo-3 vape system, which comes through the hoodie's drawstrings like tiny hookah hoses. All you have to do to imbibe is suck on one of those bad boys until the THC fills your lungs. Sure, it'll look like you're neurotically eating your own clothing, but that's a good look when you want to be both feared and mythologized on the bus up to Eldora, taking your 17 year-old girlfriend to prom, or wherever else it's socially acceptable to wear clothing that says, "My clothes are my bong."
Currently, there are only two Vaprwear styles, one for men and one for women and they'll each run you about $150. But as long as you're smoking weed out of a sweatsuit, it probably doesn't matter which one you pick. It's clear you're not employed.
But regardless of the limited selection, we're just glad that there's finally an apparatus that allows us get high using our own clothing as opposed to like, picking up a pipe off the table or whatever. No doubt it'll save us so much time.
Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to go get drunk out of our office phones. To the drunk tank, and beyond!
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