A Pornhub comment thread about the struggles of lasagna single-handeldy derails the entire sex industry.

It's rare that you ever get to witness the actual moment of death for anything, but thanks to a recent comment thread on a Pornhub lesbian cheerleader video, we're pretty sure we just witnessed the death of porn:

Yep, pretty much any time a recipe for lasagna supersedes the on-screen action on the scale of importance, it's a pretty clear indication that the once-lucrative industry of videographic sex has deteriorated into irrelevance. And while we can't speak to willeatatbooty's advice, it does seem like the inner mechanisms of pasta taming interest more people than just OGtan.

On another note, what do you think OGtan's thought process was like? It seems difficult to make the connection between porn and birthday pasta. We mean, just try to visualize this: Pussy, pussy, moan, boob bounce … niece's seventh birthday … LASAGNA. NOODLES. PROBLEMATIC. HOW TO?

Also what seven year old wants a lasagna? Congratulations on surviving seven years on this brutal planet you rat, here's a baked pasta dish.

More questions than answers on this one. RIP sexy internet.