The film, called "Kink," goes behind the scenes of, the world's largest BDSM porn production company to find out what the motivations and logistics are behind creating some of the most fucked-up porn known to man and your mother.

James Franco is making a documentary about (NSFW, duh) and BDSM porn, because he is James Franco, hear him roar.

The film, called "Kink," goes behind the scenes of, the world's largest BDSM porn production company to find out what the motivations and logistics are behind creating some of the most fucked-up porn known to man and your mother.

You're wondering if it's explicit. It is. Quite so. There' endless footage of all sorts of relevant organs, mind-numbing orgasms, and interesting devices going into interesting people for interesting reasons. But the film does this not to shock or even arouse you, but to go to great lengths to humanize and normalize an industry which most people find deviant or offensive.

In interview with Complex, "Kink" director Christine Voros said,

I realized that there was so much to this world that had not been explored in films that I’d seen, and in those films had been portrayed in a one-sided way. I became fascinated with people in the porn industry who love it, do it because they love it, and are excited to go to work everyday. They find an artistry in it. Pornographers and pornography in mainstream media have always been marginalized and potentially portrayed as [a group of] people who get into it because they didn’t end up where they wanted to be. And I found that Kink was a group of people who were very smart, very capable, very brassy, very creative, very expressive, and very in love with what they doing.

So that's what the film is about. Now that you know this, you can watch this trailer without without worrying that your special lavender lotion and Soft-and-Tough tissues aren't on had.