Blake* calls them “blue diamonds.”

It’s usually reserved for old men with diagnosed erectile dysfunction, but now even young men with perfectly healthy penises want in on the fun, too.

Blake says it super-intensifies his sexual experiences, giving him stronger boners, longer endurance, and less downtime between orgasms.

In his social circle, Viagra has become a sort of party drug. After a long night of drinking, doing cocaine or MDMA, substances that screw with men’s ability to get a boner, it’s like an insurance policy. No matter what, you’ll be able to put on a good performance for your partner.

This is appealing outside the party scene, as well. Plenty of men with performance anxiety would jump at the opportunity to ensure they can make it to round two, or even round six, of a steamy sex romp.

“Sometimes, you’re just so attracted to someone that you don’t want to stop making love. But your little guy gets tired before your heart does,” Blake says.

So naturally, a black market for blue diamonds evolved. Most customers were buying genuine prescription drugs like Viagra, Cialis or Levitra, but some were unwittingly being sold “herbal Viagra,” strange and dangerous concoctions of gas station dick pills.

Now, the hard dick industry seems to be rising to the surface. Silicon Valley start-ups like Roman and Hims, which started out as men’s wellness companies, are offering monthly subscription services for Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra.

Rather than catering to the old fogies, these businesses are specifically targeting 20 to 40-year-old men. They cite studies like the one in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, which found that one in four patients who report symptoms of erectile dysfunction are under the age of 40.

A doctor’s appointment used to be required to get your hands on these dick drugs. But thanks to these modern “telehealth” companies, customers can simply fill out an online questionnaire, have a physician review their information, and then the doc can write a prescription for Viagra, all without looking the patient in the eye.

If these new companies make accessing Viagra that much easier, the supply of blue diamonds is bound to surge. This is an exciting prospect for young men who pop boner pills for fun.

Marcus*, another young man with a perfectly healthy penis, first tried Viagra after a bad case of whiskey dick was keeping him down. So he started keeping an extra blue pill in his wallet. When he found himself close to scoring, he'd pop half a Viagra to make sure his pants rocket had enough fuel to achieve escape velocity.

"It gave me one less thing to worry about," Marcus said. "No matter how browned out on whiskey I was, that blue pill assured me that my spinner dolphin was gonna breach the surface. This relaxed me and gave me confidence and I could focus on the girl."

The first time Blake popped a boner pill, it was after MDMA had affected his ability to get his little buddy up and going.

Both say the drug worked like magic. Gave them dicks like Excalibur — so hard you couldn't pull them out of stone — and a newfound ability to fuck for hours on end. They still take them recreationally.

Of course, Viagra has its hazards in the body of virile young men. There’s the very scary side-effect of a raging erection lasting longer than four hours, which often requires surgery to correct.

However, the biggest risk is usually more mental than physical. Men who regularly pop dick pills get accustomed to raging erections produced by chemicals, rather than old-fashioned hard work and focus.

Eventually, they become less confident in their ability to get it up without that chemical assistant, and their lack of confidence translates to a limp dick and a disappointed partner.

Granted, the pills aren’t physically addictive — but becoming psychologically dependent because you’re afraid for your shitty performance without them — is a serious threat.

Perhaps the scariest outcome of all, however, is popping a pill and finding your partner wants nothing to do with your excessively swollen penis. At that point, it’s just you, your right hand and your never-ending erection.