Lauren Boebert recently made the heads of the American electorate spin after she stated that Jesus Christ was crucified because, wait for it, he wasn’t in possession of enough AR-15s.

According to an article from Business Insider, the Colorado representative made the statement during a christian event, with Boebert stating that twitter trolls often ask her if Jesus needed an AR-15.

"They like to say: 'Oh, Jesus didn't need an AR-15. How many AR-15s do you think Jesus woulda had?'" she said. "Well, he didn't have enough to keep his government from killing him."

Shortly before making that claim, Boebert said that she wanted Fentanyl to be declared a weapon of mass destruction.

We’re no political experts, alright? However, the last time we heard the term “weapons of mass destruction” tossed around this much, the U.S. used the term as an alleged scapegoat for the Iraq War. Is it possible that Boebert is making this claim in the hopes of setting up an arms race with China? We don’t think so. We don’t think she’s that smart.

It’s also worth pointing out that we’re not public relations professionals either. However, is it possible Boebert makes these wild accusations and claims in the hopes of drawing eyes away from actual news that surfaces about her? We don’t know, and it’s probably not fair to say.

All we’re trying to point out here is that, shortly after making headlines with her crazy antics, Boebert was accused of getting two abortions and being an escort for a sugar daddy dating service.

For what it’s worth, Boebert states that these claims are completely unfounded, which is totally fine—we have enough reasons to dislike her already.

Voters change affiliation to stick it to Boebert

Just in case you needed a reminder of how back-asswards the U.S. is when it comes to elections, voters across Colorado are changing their voter affiliations in an attempt to oust Boebert before her primary this month.

According to an article from Colorado Public Radio, Colorado’s open primary system allows unaffiliated voters to vote in either party’s primary elections.

Essentially, this means that ordinary folks like us can change our voter affiliations to unaffiliated and still have a say in either party’s primary… which is exactly what thousands of voters are doing in an attempt to stick it to Boebert. Information for changing your voter affiliation can be found here.

Boebert’s opponent is Don Coram, a Republican who put emphasis on non-partisanship during the two’s first debate back in May.

If there’s anything to be garnered from America’s political system it’s this: everyone we know has never voted for a politician they’d like to see in office. Instead, we’ve just voted for the politician we hated the least.

This case is no different, with thousands of Colorado voters changing their voter registration to unaffiliated in an attempt to oust Boebert. We’re sure a few of them really like Coram, but at this current juncture, many Coloradoans would take an inebriated chimpanzee over Boebert.