Pop quiz: should reporters interviewing actors about movies they're in see the actual movie? If you answered "yes," you are a diabolical genius and here is a full-ride scholarship to Harvard. But unfortunately, Fox entertainment reporter Chris Parente isn't as smart as you are, and didn't watch Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig's new movie "The Skeleton Twins," which he was interviewing them about …

Pop quiz: should reporters interviewing actors about movies they're in see the actual movie? If you answered "yes," you are a diabolical genius and here is a full-ride scholarship to Harvard. But unfortunately, Fox entertainment reporter Chris Parente isn't as smart as you are, and didn't watch Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig's new movie "The Skeleton Twins," which he was interviewing them about …

It all became apparent when he asked Kristen for some "tips on going nude," thinking she had done a nude scene in "The Skeleton Twins." She had not.

Kristen swiftly reacted with a veritable "Whatthefuckyoutalkinbout," at which point her and Bill start to mock Chris Parente, your designated Denver entertainment reporter, ceaselessly and painfully, striking the awkwardes of chords you could possibly ever imagine.

Of course it's hilarious, why would you even ask that question?

But don't worry Chris … based on the trailer for the film, we don't think you're going to be the only one who hasn't seen it.