This kid’s father seems to know the world’s ills in ways most don’t, yet has a hard time venting them when his kid continues to ask questions unrelated (and often incoherent) to the Sociology project at hand. We have a feeling that most of what the dad manages to get out through clenched teeth is akin to what parents everywhere go through on the daily.

When preparing to ask someone pertinent questions related to school projects, first make sure they aren’t jaded already by the education system in question. Next, if said person tends to get slightly raw around the neck when idiocy comes around, it’s best to approach the endeavor with thoughtful preparation.

This kid’s father seems to know the world’s ills in ways most don’t, yet has a hard time venting them when his kid continues to ask questions unrelated (and often incoherent) to the Sociology project at hand. We have a feeling that most of what the dad manages to get out through clenched teeth is akin to what parents everywhere go through on the daily.

“I’m watching your education just be pissed away,” he says at one point. “You need a well developed background.”

“I don’t know what that means,” the son replies, further exemplifying failures handed down to us through shotty public schooling.

“It’s Mrs. Peters' class,” the son goes on. “I’m gonna get an A no matter what.”

And with that the dad acknowledges what everyone outside of high school thinks at least 7 or 8 times a day: “That’s the fucking problem!”