It's been a while since our last Bieber post, thankfully, but now that he's back in action with an Ultra dance routine that could only have been choreographed by crack cocaine or unicorn dust, we knew we had to welcome him back into our loving e-arms.
It's been a while since our last Bieber post, thankfully, but now that he's back in action with an Ultra dance routine that could only have been choreographed by crack cocaine or unicorn dust, we knew we had to welcome him back into our loving e-arms.
We don't know what kind of pre-show routine various musical artists do before they get on stage with Jack U at Ultra Music Festival, but we're pretty certain Justin Bieber's involved raiding Whitney Houston's medicine cabinet … and furthermore, we don't know what kind of agreement he had with Jack U that would have allowed this. There had to be some words exchanged between the stage managers, security, and Jack U that were probably something like, "We don't know why he's here either, just let him do his little magic jig for the nice people … the poor boy."
Fast forward to 00:54 for a visual of what we mean.
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