Mr. Blow Up is a British man with a fetish for rubber inflatables.

Mr. Blow Up is a British man with a fetish for rubber inflatable.

"They're a nice way to pass the time," he explains as his body is enveloped in a self-made black rubber balloon contraption, which he inflates using his own lungs. Yes, and so is having nightmares for the rest of your natural life.

Of course, there's also a Mrs. Blow Up, who shares her husband's exotic fetish for inflatables. Together, they make one very awkward dinner party. But hey, to each their own. We have a fetish for salacious parking enforcement personnel, but no one makes fun of us for that, so … live the dream, Blow Up family. Live the dream.

Well, at least he'd be a good guy to sit next to if the oxygen masks ever drop down on your redeye to Denver.