This driver feels pretty much the same way about potholes as families of murder victims do about serial killers, but that's not to say it's not goddamn hilarious to watch him react to the shitty road conditions on his street, which he lovingly, and screamingly, refers to as a "pothole warzone."
This driver feels pretty much the same way about potholes as families of murder victims do about serial killers, but that's not to say it's not goddamn hilarious to watch him react to the shitty road conditions on his street, which he lovingly, and screamingly, refers to as a "pothole warzone."
From the way he's hollerin', you'd think he was driving his Benz in earthquake-torn Haiti, but no, he's just cruising along on the good old back streets of America, shrieking about taxpayer dollars like a true patriot.
We give the internet 24 hours before someone writes a catchy autotune hook for "Look at this shit," and after that, tearing your car's axel off in a cavernous pothole will never, ever be the same.
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