This special little robot helps extract semen at fertility clinics worldwide, but who's to say it won't also extract love from your heart?

This special little robot helps extract semen at fertility clinics world wide, but who's to say it won't also extract love from your heart?

Just look at the way it moves; the way it grooves. That twinkle in its eye.

Its specialized suction and ultra-smooth rhythm are meant to extract sperm juice from even the driest of balls, meaning men previously believed to be impotent may be able to procreate after all. No uncomfortable clinic masturbation needed, no crusty Playboys from 1992.  Just you, the purr of the machine, and the knowledge that this whole sperm-donation thing is worth it because you may have just found your future wife.

If you're a chick … sorry. Please Google Rabbit vibrators and kitten videos to get this image out of your head.