No one necessarily believes cell phones are good for them; however, watching a swarm of erratically-scurrying ants immediately herd into a perfectly synchronized circle around an iPhone once it starts ringing can’t be a good sign.
We’ve all heard the warnings about cell phones and brain tumors. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
No one necessarily believes cell phones are good for them; however, watching a swarm of erratically-scurrying ants immediately herd into a perfectly synchronized circle around an iPhone once it starts ringing can’t be a good sign.
One source attributed the effect to entomological magnetism and the electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones. “A lot of ants use magnetism to orientate themselves,” said Prof. Nigel Andrew of Department of Entomology at the University of New England. He continued to note that ants have “magnetic receptors in their antennas.” The ants use magnetic cues from the Earth to help them navigate, according to Dr. Andrew.
That, or they're plotting a synchronize galactic takeover they'll enact once our brains reach full coagulation from cell phone use … either or?
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