There's lots of crying. And puking. Typical weeknight night for most of us …

We’re never sure whether or not we should scream “Bullshit!” from the tops of the trees when we see videos like this one release online, or to fall into the troll trap along with most other people. Adults claiming to have had “drinks” before, but never being drunk? Hmm …

And it’s from BuzzFeed … m’eh …

Because had we shot this video, it would be titled “Adults Get Drunk For The First Time Today” — and we certainly wouldn’t hold anything back about how Gina leaves sticky Kombucha stamped fingertips all over the Xerox machine, or how Grant is the guy nobody in the office likes because of his dumb name and also his plain face is stupid.

That’s how we roll, and our video would likely be a train wreck. HR would absolutely be involved. This one is pretty tame from where it could  have gone, but also — we’ll give in — pretty funny.

And while this is more of a PSA towards a “don’t drink to be cool” mindset, the subjects at hand are hilarious, and at times also frightening. The amount of joy and ridiculous shit they say ("My arms have multiplied.") leads us to believe this is legit — it’s been years since we’ve actually been silly drunk wanting to love one another and laugh, instead of texting forbidden numbers at 3 am and trying to fight the moon.

Moral of the story? Do what you want, when you want and don’t hurt others. If people want to get drunk, do it, if they don’t, who cares? Right? Right. It’s 7:58 am on a Friday right now — let’s go drink some self esteem.