If you've ever seen a Sticky Buddy infomercial, you know that, on its own, it's a comedic gold mine. Improving upon that perennial classic is a chore … unless you're the brilliant, tormented soul who had the wherewithal to dub it with his or her own, highly asinine version of it.  One that makes gratuitous use of the expression, "Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhh" whenever humanly possible.

If you've ever seen a Sticky Buddy infomercial, you know that, on its own, it's a comedic gold mine. Improving upon that perennial classic is a chore … unless you're the brilliant, tormented soul who had the wherewithal to dub it with his or her own, highly asinine version of it.  One that makes gratuitous use of the expression, "Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhh" whenever humanly possible.

One whose ability to so intelligently use "Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhh" immediately qualifies him for the Editor position at Rooster. We love you, dub guy. We love you hard.