What could possibly be racist about a show called "The Andrew Show: a show for white kids?" That's right, a lot of things. As if the somber and depressing tone of the kids isn't enough to have you calling social services, the show goes on to rant about many daily topics affecting all white kids. For instance, according to the 9 and 10-year-old Disney''s use of interracial characters in their cartoon is wrong.
To bring you up to speed on the delinquent kids show, Andrew Pendergraft, the kid-host with floppy blonde hair and a severe speech impediment, is the grandson of Thomas Robb, the modern-day Ku Klux Klan's national director. Andrew hosted a number of short episodes of his very own amateur talk show, "The Andrew Show," which presents the Klan's ideology in a format aimed at kids — more specifically, white kids.
Oh, the things kids do when they are young… and influenced by the Klu Klux Klan. Didn't get enough child hate? There's an entire channel.
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