Our biggest fear, second to large birds and McDonald's fish sandwiches, is that our offspring ends up socially awkward, introverted and red-headed. We can always dye their hair but we can't always help them get along with others. That's why we're going to follow the strategy of this dad and solicite a young girl to sleep with our son if need be.
Our biggest fear, second to large birds and McDonald's fish sandwiches, is that our offspring ends up socially awkward, introverted and red-headed. We can always dye their hair but we can't always help them get along with others. That's why we're going to follow the strategy of this dad and solicite a young girl to sleep with our son if need be. As a responsible parent, the dad has everything planned out, even down to showing his son new sex positions. Forget the fact that this is prostitution, it's damn good parenting.
In a world when kids grow up sucking their thumbs until high school, P.E. is off-limits and competitive sports are unencouraged, it's great to see a parent not coddling their kid and instead exposing them to a young prostitute. The post has since been removed but that doesn't stop us from holding this parent in high regard.
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