There's always one crayon in the box that isn't as sharp as the rest. Enter Trish Staine, 33, who says she had no idea she was pregnant before Monday's surprise birth. The Duluth mother of three said she hadn't gained any weight or felt fetal movement in the months before…

There's always one crayon in the box that isn't as sharp as the rest. Enter Trish Staine, 33, who says she had no idea she was pregnant before Monday's surprise birth. The Duluth mother of three said she hadn't gained any weight or felt fetal movement in the months before.

Via Huffington Post: "I said `no, no, that's impossible,'" Staine said Wednesday from her Duluth hospital room. "I definitely thought I was done having kids," she joked. Staine and her husband, John, have a daughter, 7, and a son, 11. She's also stepmother to John's three boys, ages 17, 19 and 20. Staine said her husband has a good sense of humor. "He's still in shock. Everybody is teasing him," she said.

The real kicker… her husband had a vasectomy. He must have a good sense of humor considering the kid isn't his. It sounds to us like Trish is trying to pull a fast one. Even if she didn't know she was pregnant, she damn well knows how babies are made. But, if we're Mr. Staine's pals we wouldn't tease him too hard… remember how the last practical joke turned out?