On this edition of "Things and Stuff" …
They’re baaaack. After a long bout of radio silence, the Canadian duo in MSTRKRFT are not only releasing new music for the first time in years, but are also on tour with a rare stop in Denver this month. After incessant pestering on our part, co-founder Jesse F. Keeler finally succumbed to our demands and answered a few random questions before the acclaimed electronic act gets to town to get down.
Three songs you’re listening to the most right now?
Eagles of Death Metal – 'Don't Speak'
Metric – 'Monster Hospital (MSTRKRFT Remix)'
Merle Haggard – 'Workin’ Man Blues'
Ever re-gifted?
All the time, but not in a formal way or for a birthday, etc. Passing unwanted gifts along to friends is better than hoarding stuff you don't need.
Do you have a favorite joke?
Yes, but it's terrible when typed out … and would probably get me in trouble.
If you’re not performing on the weekends, what are you usually doing?
Working on music or frantically doing the things I have no time to do normally. Soldering.
Strangest place you’ve ever fallen asleep?
Backstage, behind a sub, while waiting to play. It was unpleasant waking up. Surprised I didn't piss myself.
Batman or Superman?
Being able to fly beats everything else.
What celebrity would you love to party with?
Jimi Hendrix on the night he died, so I could take him to the hospital.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten?
Either 'Be delicate with your commitments' or 'Don't shoot toward the house.'
What’s the worst advice you’ve ever gotten?
Either 'You should get some sun' or 'Those ribs are still fine to eat.'
Are aliens real?
Depends …
// MSTRKRFT @ Club Vinyl – Wednesday, June 8, 2016
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