News Briefs

News Briefs

Earn your turns at Colorado’s newest ski area: Bluebird Backcountry, an out-of-bounds playground unlike any other in the state

News Briefs

Avocado-related crime and violence soars, as Mexican drug cartels turn from opium paste to “green gold”

News Briefs

Heists of the century: The world’s most insane modern burglaries, and how the perps pulled them off… or didn’t

News Briefs

Twisted symbiosis: Governor Polis announces new program, to boost sustainability in cannabis and craft beer industries

News Briefs

Origins of Coronavirus: Official story doesn’t convince scientists, making many wonder, where did it actually come from?

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As bush fires lose steam, a wave of deadly funnel spiders is swarming Australia – and experts say, it could actually be a good thing

News Briefs

Wachovia: Official bank of the Sinaloa Cartel – How sly bankers moved $378 billion for the nastiest of narcos

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US Supreme Court declines “free the nipple” case, interning New Hampshire’s breasts once and for all

News Briefs

Denver’s Liberty Park shut down by rat explosion: The politicians aren’t the only rats on Cap Hill anymore

News Briefs

Packs of coyotes reportedly roaming south Denver, hunting dogs and making residents wonder if they’re ever going to leave

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If wolves are returning naturally to Colorado, is November’s reintroduction bill still necessary?

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Boulder considers gondola from Pearl Street to the Hill: to reduce city emissions, cut traffic and provide new venue for college debauchery

News Briefs

Too high to shoot, too low to cite: Colorado’s mystery drones are virtually untouchable, remain unclaimed despite global curiosity

News Briefs

Trains catching fire, bus routes being cancelled, outrage mounting: Colorado lawmakers tell RTD to get its shit together or face consequences

News Briefs

Aurora police officer passes out drunk in car on duty, has to be broken out by firefighters, keeps his job

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UC Berkeley now offering “Adulting” course for students who feel unprepared for life, and it’s a pass/fail

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Keystone installs super-techy new snowmakers to open earlier, prepping for A-Basin face-off

News Briefs

Madman bites dog at Boulder Whole Foods, drags animal around store, pulls knife on cops

News Briefs

The banshee screams for spring breakers: beach towns crack down on party crowds across US

News Briefs

China’s “Ivory Queen” sentenced to 15 hard years as tusk-smuggling empire crumbles after car chase

News Briefs

You paid more for your Netflix subscription than the company paid in taxes in 2018. Seriously.

News Briefs

El Chapo conviction – will the world ever see another criminal kingpin of the likes again?

News Briefs

El Chapo the drug lord used jalapenos to smuggle $500 million of coke into the US annually

News Briefs

Shirtless ex-stripper will cuddle the awkward right out of you for $75