There are very few things more abhorrent and cowardly than someone who beats on women. This is an undisputable fact of life. But people make mistakes, and if the subsequent actions of said individual ran parallel with a truly remorseful mission, than the mistake should be forgiven – and hopefully used as a tool that our younger generation can look to for guidance. Unfortunately, not everyone is so quick to admit doing wrong, and continue to live a life of attrition and dickheadery. One in particular is the infamous Chris Brown, who grew to sickening infamy after his one round bout with on-again off-again flame, Rhianna.
Brown received little more than a slap on the wrist for the brutal altercation. He was sentenced to 180 days OR 1,440 hours of community service. He chose not to do either, a direct violation of court order, you know, for everyone BUT Chris Brown.
Soon after the sentence was given, Chief Bryan Norwood, a Richmond, VA “top cop,” went under scrutiny for writing off some of the hours Brown couldn’t have done. It was proven that he wasn’t in the city during the time the alleged trash detail happened, and still remains an open headache for Brown’s lawyers. The disgraced officer has since resigned from his position.
And if that weren’t enough, since being on probation, Brown has reportedly been in multiple street fights, including one with hip-hop star Drake’s entourage, and another with recording artist, Frank Ocean. Both have conveniently fell under the rug, but the file remains open in the Ocean case and may play a much larger role in the recent request by the LA County District Attorney’s Office to revoke Brown’s probation tied to the Rhianna bludgeoning in 2009.
“Team Breezy” is on the defense, implying that he’s just a misunderstood artist that everyone tries to take advantage of. He wants it to be known that he’s the victim of a huge conspiracy and that his erratic, and illegal, behavior is taken out of context and until you get to know the real him – via songs on his upcoming album – you’ll just be labeled a hater, and haters will always hate, of course.
So is he wetting the palms of authority as he continues in his childish, shitty behavior? It’s probable, given the track record of some of the more notoriously disgusting cases that have rocked headlines coming out of LaLaLand (Michael Jackson). Let’s hope that the legal powers that be finally wake up and toss this baby-faced, man-child behind bars where street justice can provide a little reality for the platinum-coated, ticking time bomb.
As for his upcoming album, we won’t be talking about it. And we won’t be buying it. Admittedly, stories like this one are what fuel his career and the more he gets in trouble, the higher the sales will be. It’s an unfortunate byproduct of today’s idolization. One that can only be controlled by the power we give them through the purchase of any product remotely tied to his accounts. Let’s hope that a mass silent treatment can be enough that he just goes away.
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