Being so similar, you and Jay Z have been in fierce competition for a while now. But we're happy to alert you that the you vs. Jay Z scoreboard now reads "Jay Z: 1,983,847, You: 1," because it finally happened. The day Jay Z had a worse day than you. That day was May 5th, and that was the day that Beyonce's sister Solange beat the shit out of him in an elevator at the Met Gala.


Being so similar and all, you and Jay Z have been in fierce competition for a while now. But we're happy to alert you that the You vs. Jay Z scoreboard now reads "Jay Z: 1,983,847, You: 1," because it finally happened: the day you were waiting for. The day Jay Z had a worse day than you. That day was May 5th, and that was the day that Beyonce's sister Solange beat the shit out of him in an elevator at the Met Gala.

Mom! Get the popcorn!

TMZ released this black and white footage of the altercation. Solange and Jay Z can be seen entering the elevator then exchanging words before Solange starts throwing down like Nacho Libre. Beyonce attempted to block the punches by stepping in front of her husband, but she couldn't handle that jelly and ended up being a pretty ineffective bodyguard. It's too bad she didn't have a surfbordt on her.

No one's really sure what prompted Solange to attack Jay Z, but one thing's for sure: none of Beyonce's sisters are beating you up, so a small way, you're doing better than Jay Z right now.