

“Unconventionally Sheltered” a CU-student documentary introduces Sheba: One of The Hill’s best-known homeless residents


Lesbian, bi-, gay individuals use uppers 3 to 5 times more than heterosexuals, scientifically confirming: LBG’s party harder


Mexico is poised to become largest legal cannabis market in the world, but cannabis activists fear only corporations will benefit


Tom Cruise is officially going to space, with help from Elon Musk and NASA to film his latest movie project

Viral Videos

Daily Viral: 11-year-old kid goes full GTA, steals school bus and starts massive police chase across Baton Rouge


Federal legalization of weed could generate $73.7 billion, create millions of jobs and save $38 billion in prohibition costs


There’s 1,218 candidates actually running for US president this election — here’s 4 you probably haven’t heard of

News Briefs

Doc Antle joins Joe Exotic: The “Tiger Bhagavan” goes to prison for trafficking and conspiracy, leaving handful of wives behind


Number 38: Denver’s newest live music venue is part music festival, part tasting event, part craft tap house

News Briefs

Curse of the COVID Mariners: Over 300,000 seamen stranded at sea because of COVID-19 and no one knows what to do with them


I’m single and wondering how much “playing hard to get” should factor into my dating strategy?


Violet and Jenna strap in to see where their Ska Street chemistry might take them…


Breaking Bold: Hunter Honn’s explosive neo-traditional illustrations are inked to last


If I adopt an older dog, is it mean if I rename it?


This month’s index on how far humanity’s stooped in October 2020


Some of the better casino advertisements


In wake of Trump’s COVID diagnosis, Betfair suspends all bets on US election — all odds are out the window


Hookup Horoscopes October 2020


Jared Polis just pardoned over 2,700 cannabis convictions throughout Colorado, in sweeping executive order

Viral Videos

Daily Viral: Chris Wallace to Donald Trump at debate, “Everyone in this room is dumber” for having listened to that


Sotheby’s hopes that Banksy piece about the “excesses of consumerism” will sell for at least $3 million at auction

Viral Videos

Daily Viral: UK paramedics unveil new Gravity jetpack system, potentially changing medical response forever

News Briefs

Detroit driver, high on whippets, jumps Fort Street drawbridge, gets arrested and becomes local legend

News Briefs

Avalanche rescue teams brace for intense winter, as backcountry gear sales skyrocket and uncertainty looms over resorts